The Saarland University allowed Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Zufall to apply for a new research building for physiological research on the basis of his appointment negotiations in 2006. Prof. Zufall took up his position at the Faculty of Medicine, Homburg Campus, at the beginning of 2007.
The application for construction of a new research building, the Center for Integrative Physiology and Molecular Medicine (CIPMM) at the Saarland University, was submitted for review to the German Science Council (Wissenschaftsrat) on March 12, 2008, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Frank Zufall and his co-applicant Prof. Dr. Jens Rettig.
Excerpts of the application for the construction of a research building at University of the Saarland in Homburg/Saar:
"The Center for Integrative Physiology and Molecular Medicine (CIPMM) will take a broad, interdisciplinary approach to a new, poorly understood area of research in the life sciences, dealing with the integration of molecular dynamic membrane processes in the nervous system with functions of the immune system and hormone regulation in the endocrine system ("Neuro-Endocrine-Immune Interactions", details see B.2). Thus, the CIPMM will fill an important gap in the field of "Integrative Physiology" nationally and internationally (see B.3). The CIPMM will pursue a systems-oriented strategy that integrates molecular genetic, cellular, and behavioral approaches to decipher the function and dysfunction of signaling processes that serve to interact among the three biological systems. ...."
Links to Construction, Inauguration and Symposium:
"The CIPMM will work on interactions between the nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system in a way that is unique for Germany and Europe. A special significance of the CIPMM lies in the fact that it spans a range of molecular genetic methods to behavioral analytical approaches, i.e. that the behaviorally relevant role of the "neuro-endocrine-immune" interaction will also be addressed at the whole-animal level."
Approval for new construction of institute (7. July 2008; idw-online):
"The criteria for the evaluation of research buildings are met to a very high degree and very convincingly." This pleasing verdict for Saarland University emerges from the "Recommendations for Research Building Needs" for 2009 by the German Council of Science and Humanities. [see newspaper clip below].
"The largest research building ever constructed in the Saarland can probably be started next year: Following a recommendation by the Science Council, 31.5 million euros will then flow into the construction of a new research building for the physiology and biophysics departments on the University campus in Homburg. The Center for Integrative Physiology and Molecular Medicine (CIPMM) is one of 17 projects nationwide that were deemed worthy of funding by the Science Council in its "Recommendations for the Funding of Research Buildings for 2009". Half of the funding will come from the federal government, the rest from the state [of Saarland]."
The "Recommendations on the Funding of Research Buildings" (Drs. 8618-08) in the context of the funding of research buildings at universities including large-scale equipment according to Art. 91b para. 1 No. 3 GG" (Drs. 8619-08) are published on the web as full text (, but they can also be requested from the office of the Council of Science and Humanities by e-mail (
Information from other sources regarding the building and its science: