Besides - and more importantly before - writing your thesis, you should be aware of (1) good laboratory practice (GLP), (2) record keeping in your laboratory notebook, and (3) what data to collect and how to perform your statistics. For all this information, please go to the tab: Lab Tool Box.
Faculty of the Department of Physiology and the CIPMM, who are internationally-renowned faculty, are directly involved in training the next generation of graduate students. An interdisciplinary program leads to a Ph.D. degree.
Das Graduiertenprogramm der Universität des Saarlandes (GradUS) -
Graduate Programm of the Saarland University
Rules to prevent plagiarism in dissertations starting May 2017: use iThenticate before submitting to the Dean's office. Please check official letter and talk to your supervisor (link)
Dean's office - link to information regarding all academic affairs
Rules and regulations of the Medical School regarding PhD degrees: please check the side of Dean's office
Links concerning writing a thesis, the introduction, (specific) aims and the discussion (please be reminded that the links are just to give you a starting point; lots more to find in the WWW):
UNSW Sydney - Thesis structure (follow the various links from this brief and concise overview)
Better Thesis - Getting started to finishing a great product
Universität Köln - Thesis writing suggestions
Columbia University - How to write your thesis
Exploration of Style (Academic Writing) - Introduction and Structuring a Thesis Introduction
University of Wisconsin - Writing the introduction
Solent Online Learning - Specific Aims
University of Wisconsin - Thesis and Purpose statement
Oregon Health&Science University - Writing a great specific aims page
University of Florida - Thesis writing in the sciences - discussion
The Thesis Wisperer - How to start my discussion chapter?